PROJECT 1 | Professor: Dr. Wei Yan Karla Padilla (M.ARCH Student) Texas A&M University MELBOURNE RECTANGULAR STADIUM, AUSTRALIA The total cost of construction was over $250 million, construction began in 2007 and finished in 2010. The stadium was designed by architect Philip Cox and the ARUP group and it has a capacity of 30,000. The structure of the stadium consists of a lightweight steel bio-frame roof design. MASS STADIUM SEATING I started the modeling of this project with the field and stadium seating. Using grasshopper and the TORO plugin I created a typical soccer field. Also, TORO provided a node that allowed me to determine the number of rows and seats. (see image below) With TORO I am also able to change the type of bowl (rectangular, oval, round) Figure 1 | TORO plugin SKIN Melbourne Rectangular Stadium has a geodesic dome roof, to model this I started with four points at the corners (short side) (long side) (corner). Using offset and s...